Our company is a leader in hotel reservation in France. We are working with 5000 accomodations (hotels, gites, chambres d’hotes etc.) that we promote on associate internet sites.
We are the only company in France to have information desks in the largest train stations, airports and motorway service areas. Our kiosks in busy places welcome thousands of people daily and offer a choice of services to answer all types of demands from French or foreign tourists. Every day, our travel consultants make hundreds of reservations for partners. These are guaranteed by the GIE authorisation for credit cards through secured payment provider.
We also have a telephone service whose number is advertised all over the world through our associates.
Are you looking for an additional income,
widening your accommodation offers
having a better visibility ?
We will offer you the best choice in terms of accommodation at the best rates and the best quality, a reservation and management tool, easy and very efficient, one of the newest commissioning systems on the market.
Are you are a tourism office, a travel agency, a tourist site, a tour operator or are you managing leisure or any other tourist activities, we will be very interested in having you on board.
Why becoming partner to Infotourisme?
Do you want to :
- Offer an additional
service !
• Create or increase your accomodation facilities !
• Have an additional income !
• Enjoy an easy to use and highly efficient technology
• Improve your range of services !
• Establish new loyalty !
Offer an additional service !
You can offer an improved search for availability by date or a secure online reservation in real time.
Create or increase your accomodation offer !
By signing the membership contract you will be able to offer 5000 accommodations throughout France. You will enjoy a large choice of hotels, gites, bed and breakfast, etc. You will be able to give an answer to every client for every requirement concerning any region, area or city.
Have an additional income !
Your new offer in terms of services will generate additional reservations with our members. We register the origin of each reservation in order to pay you the corresponding commissions.
We are offering a very interesting commission rate thanks to our diversity of choice, the best percentage of reservation in relation to the internet traffic.
By becoming our partner, every internet surfer represents an additional source of income.
By promoting our network, you will increase your internet traffic, you will increase your internet traffic therefore your number of reservations and your commission.
Finally, a fair partnership for everybody with no fees to pay, great number of reservations generating important income for everybody.
Enjoy an easy to use and highly efficient technology
Signing a partnership with Infotourisme means enjoying free online reservation technology, no costly investments, no technical problems, no program updates.
Our policy of openness gives you the possibility to check your account at any moment. Using your login and password you will be able to check your internet traffic, your reservations, your credit.
Improve your range of services !
Complete your diversity of choice in France in order to be able to increase your customer loyalty. Are you are in search of a partner having a comfortable and highly efficient selling tool with a good visibility on sites with high traffic such as train stations, airports and motorway service areas in order to increase your traffic, your reputation but also improve the satisfaction of your own clients.
Do you want to join this partnership?
Do not hesitate to call us at
Nr. 00 33 4 90 80 01 16 (from abroad)
Nr. 0892 701 127 (from France 0,34 e/mn)
From 9 am to 7 pm
Establish new loyalty !
By joining Infotourisme you will offer to your clients one of the largest choices in terms of accommodation in France; you will give them an easy highly efficient reservation tool, you will provide them with the best offers for the best hotels, gites bed and breakfast, etc. You will give a complete answer to any travel demand : vacancy, rates, location, access, means of transport, means of payment and any other related services…..a satisfied client is a loyal client !
So are you ready ? Join us!